Vanessa Kuras, Author at Pain Management and MRI - Philadelphia and Delaware County
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Vanessa Kuras

Types of Headaches

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Headaches are a common condition that a majority of people experience during their lifetime. Headaches can be a pain and an inconvenience to your daily life routine. It’s important to identify what types of headache a person is experiencing so one can inform themselves on how best to treat it- with medication, stress management, biofeedback, and inpatient treatment.


There are two categories headaches fall into: Primary and Secondary.


Primary headaches

occur as the main problem- that is, they are not a symptom of an underlying condition or disease. Normally, the problem is inflammation of the nerves, blood vessels, or muscles around the head and neck. But don’t worry, these headaches aren’t dangerous or a cause for concern.


There are several different types of headaches that fall under Primary headaches. The most common types include:

  • Cluster headaches: These are severe and recurring headaches that typically last between 20 minutes to 2 hours and are one-sided. Men are six times more likely to experience cluster headaches than women. Cluster headaches have an intense burning and pain behind or around the eyes.


  • Tension headaches:  Tension headaches present themselves as a dull, constant pain on both sides of the head. These headaches can last up to several hours and are cause tenderness of the face, head, neck and shoulder.


  • Migraine headaches: Migraines are characterized by a recurring tense throbbing pain on one side of the head. It is the most common form of headache and can last from 2 to 72 hours. Nausea and/or sensitivity to sound and light may occur in conjunction with migraines.


  • Hypnic headaches:  Hypnic headaches are a very rare form of headaches that are found within individuals in their 50’s and up. It is also called the “alarm clock,” since it repeatedly occurs at night and consists of a mild to moderate throbbing pain on both sides of the head. This can last up to 3 hours.


  • Exertional headaches: These types of headaches are normally caused by strenuous physical activity and can be triggered by running, weight lifting, jumping, coughing/sneezing. They are a short-lived throbbing pain and are common within those who have a family history of migraines.


Secondary headaches

occur as a result of a condition. Injury, or disease. Secondary headaches tend to be less common, but can be more serious and concerning than primary headaches. These headaches can serve as a warning sign of critical conditions such as brain tumors, meningitis, neck or brain injury, aneurysm, etc. There are many types of headaches which include the following:


  • Sinus headaches: Sinus headaches are caused by sinusitis- swelling of the sinuses- which is the result of a sinus infection or allergy. People will experience a dull, throbbing ache around the eyes, cheek and forehead. The pain can worsen with movement and stringing and spread to the teeth or jaw. It is also accompanied by discolored nasal discharge.


  • Caffeine-related headaches: Heavy consumption of caffeine (400 mg of caffeine or 4 cups of coffee) can lead to headaches. Caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches. You can relieve these headaches within an hour of caffeine intake or fully resolved after a week of withdrawal.


  • Medication overuse headaches (MOH): Also known as a rebound headache and is quite common. This is a recurrent headache that has symptoms similar to migraine and tension headaches. It typically responds to painkillers and reoccurs sometime later. Results from consuming painkillers for more than 15 days in a month. The drugs that cause MOH include: acetaminophen, NSAIDs (i.e ibuprofen, aspirin), opioids, and triptans (i.e. sumatriptan).


  • Menstrual headaches: These headaches are related to the changes in hormone levels for women who experience their menstruation cycle monthly. Due to natural changes in estrogen levels found in women, this migraine-like headache is commonly caused by periods. They develop days before the period but are also caused by oral contraceptives, pregnancy and menopause. 


When to see a doctor:

Most headaches are rarely a sign of something more serious and people who suffer with headaches can manage them with OTC painkillers. However, if you are experiencing recurrent, severe, or worsening headaches, you should consult a doctor. You should seek medical assistance for:

  • headaches that occur very suddenly and severely, 
  • recurring headaches in children,
  • headaches following a strong blow to the head, 
  • You have a disturbed vision, balance, and speech; numbness, weakness, fevers, seizures, or unconsciousness.




Effects of Poor Posture and How to Fix It

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“Sit up straight!” It’s something almost everyone has heard at some point as a kid. Proper posture isn’t only for looking good and confident. There are many health problems that come with slouching at your desk or while walking around. Some might surprise you!

The effects of bad posture

The most obvious effect of bad posture is the pain that comes with it. Slouching leads to tension  in your upper back and shoulders.This tension also causes the spine to misalign and can cause muscle spasms. The more unknown effects of poor posture is the problem it creates for your lungs, digestion, and circulation.

Hunching over affects the amount of air your lungs can take in. The vital organs, such as your heart and brain, don’t get enough precious oxygen which can lead to heart and vascular disease in the long term. The abdominal organs also get squished. It can impact your metabolism and the ability to process foods properly. This can cause stomach aches, IBS-like symptoms, and even constipation.Taking a short walk after a meal can help straighten your back and help digestion.

Over time,  tension and constriction caused by poor posture while sitting affects circulation and the health of your nerves. Sitting with your legs crossed for long periods of time is one of the causes of varicose veins. As the bad habit continues, the bones in the spine start to shift and pinch the veins. There have also been links to bad posture causing high blood pressure!

How to fix bad posture

  • Lay on the floor! Simple enough but very effective. Just lay on your back with no pillows. This allows your back to straighten and relieves tension.
  • Stretch Your Neck. Loosen up your neck by bending it back and forth and side to side. A stretching routine every 3 hours has many benefits for posture.
  • Do posture workouts. Working out your shoulders and back can help with the alignment of your spine. In addition, strengthening the muscles around your spine will naturally correct your posture. Check out this quick video for a posture building workout!
  • Buy a back brace. We have busy lives and breaking the habit of bad posture can be hard. There are many back braces that help fix posture that won’t break the bank!
  • Contact a professional. If the back pain is unbearable and nothing seems to be helping, contact a chiropractor to give you a hand!

If bad posture has affected your life and you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, contact us today!



Read More about bad posture:\


Guy calling after car accident

6 Most Important Steps After a Car Accident

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Car accidents can be extremely stressful and there are certain steps you have to take to streamline the process. Here is a quick guide on what to do after you get into a car accident.

1. Check yourself for injuries

This is super important. If you are seriously injured, try not to move and wait for emergency personnel. Moving around with potential neck and back injuries can worsen or even create permanent damage. If you are not severely injured check on your passengers and on the other driver. Try to remain calm and not panic or get angry. I understand that this situation is not fair to you, but they are called accidents for a reason and getting overly emotional will only make the situation a lot worse. 


2. Get to safety 

If you can, drive your car to the side of the road. If you can’t drive your car, put the car in park AND pull up the emergency break. Turn the car off and walk to the side. Some cars come with a flare in the safety kit located in the truck. Place it down, facing oncoming traffic so other drivers know they should slow down and be cautious. 


3. Call 911

No matter how small the accident is, call 911. Make sure to start with the location, then the situation and how many people are involved. Stay calm, explain everything clearly. Try to keep conversation limited. Speak of the important information and stay away from saying “I’m sorry,” “it was my fault,” or “I didn’t see them.” These phrases can be considered admission of guilt. 


4. Document the accident

Take plenty of pictures of all angles, this can help with reporting the accident to your insurance company. Take pictures of the involved car’s license plate, the car, model, and the other driver’s insurance and registration card. 


5. Notify your insurer

Many insurance companies have apps that allow you to claim car accidents right on your phone. If your insurance has this feature, report it immediately. If not, after you leave the scene of the accident, then call them during their business hours ASAP.  


6. Make an appointment with a chiropractor

Even minor accidents can cause damage to your spine and neck. Injuries such as whiplash can take months to fully heal. Do NOT deal with your pain and ignore it. Chiropractor care can help support your body’s natural healing process and help you avoid a lifetime of chronic pain. Chiropractic adjustments can relieve the pressure on your muscles and nerves and realign your spine. After you accident be sure to make an appointment to decrease the chances of developing chronic pain. Keep receipts of the treatment because some auto insurance policies can cover the cost.

At Pain Management & MRI we have over 30 years in car accident injuries. Schedule an appointment today!


Scoliosis: Symptoms, Treatment and Unknown Facts

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Almost everyone has heard of Scoliosis, it’s a very common disorder. The sideways curvature of the spine, which usually happens during a growth spurt before puberty. Scoliosis also can be caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, but the cause of most cases are unknown.


The causes of scoliosis are unknown but symptoms are similar in most cases.

  • Uneven Shoulders
  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
  • Uneven waist
  • One hip higher than the other

In worse cases the spine will rotate or twists causing the ribs on one side of the body to stick out. If you see any signs in your child, even mild ones, take a trip to your doctor. Some mild cases of scoliosis will straighten as the child gets older, but it’s still good to see a doctor and do regular checkups. Detecting scoliosis early is key, undetected scoliosis can cause back pain, and interfere with heart and lung function.

These check ups will monitor the curving of the spine with x-rays. If no treatment is done there is a chance that the curve will get worse. Your doctor might recommend your child wearing a brace to help contain the curve and keep it from getting larger. This can minimize the need for surgery.

For more information on the brace:

Unknown Facts about Scoliosis

There is a lot of myths floating around about scoliosis along with some unknown facts and statistics!

  • Scoliosis is not caused due to bad posture
  • There is a 30% chance that you might have scoliosis if someone in your family has it.
  • Girls are more at risk for developing scoliosis
  • Most cases are mild and don’t require treatment with braces or surgery
  • It appears during the ages of 8-12 and 60
  • Scoliosis dates back to 400 BC and researched by Hippocrates


Sources and more information about Scoliosis:


Making Your News Year’s Resolutions Stick

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New year, new you! Starting a New Years Resolution is one of the joys of the new year! We plan to workout, and better ourselves so the next year can be even better than the last. Although the failure rate of New Year’s resolutions is about 80%, and most people give up mid February. This is how to make you New Years Resolutions stick in 2020!

Why resolutions don’t last.

Many times we set big goals with unrealistic expectations. When a goal is out of reach it’s easy to forget and give up and “try again next year.” Having a time line for your resolutions is helpful. Setting short-term, medium-term, and long-term benchmarks can give you little victories along the way to keep you motivated! Starting off small, like going to the gym a couple days in the week or slowly cutting out those guilty pleasures can make prolong your motivation to continue.

Another reason why resolutions don’t work is there’s a negative connotation. Try to frame your goal positively, instead of saying “I can’t eat these chips” say “I can eat the carrots and ranch as a snack.” Focusing on what you want to avoid makes it even more tempting to do/eat.

Last, but not least, the goal you set, is not about you. Make sure your goal is unique to you and not influenced by friends, family, or society. Do what you want in life and what you want for yourself!

How to make them last this year.

  • Start small: Make small changes to your diet or routine and slowly make your way to your goal.
  • Focus on one goal at a time: It takes a long time to change a habit so reassessing everything in your life can get overwhelming.
  • Share it to the world: Tell your friends and family, neighbor or even you local grocery store cashier! You can also join a support group or workout class to help reach your goals. It’s a great way to share your struggles and successes with that’s on the same journey makes things less intimidating.
  • Don’t beat yourself up: Nobody’s perfect, we all make mistakes. Small slip ups are ok, don’t just give up because of one mistake. Pick yourself back up and get back on track!
  • Ask for support: You can’t do everything on your own! Having emotional support from those who care about you will help you strengthen your resilience and manage your stress.

New Year Resolution Ideas

Can’t figure out a resolution for this year or need some new ones? Here is a list of a few unique resolutions to add to your list!

  • Learn something new everyday
  • Be more grateful
  • Set aside an hour a day to achieve your dreams
  • Enjoy the little things
  • Learn a new skill
  • Be kinder to yourself
  • Travel

Make this decade count! Set aside your bad habits and create new memories! Happy New Year!

Sources and more Resolutions:






Long Term Effects of Concussions

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Concussions have been a huge topic in this day and age but there still so much we don’t know about them. For starters one doesn’t have to play a sport to get a concussion and they are most common in young children.

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is mild traumatic brain injury that can occur after an impact to your head or from a whiplash type injury. The brain shakes quickly hitting the skull either in the front or back. No matter how they happened, concussions require time to heal. Brain injuries, even the mildest have short and long term effects. Symptoms can last for days, weeks, or even longer.

Long Term Effects of a Concussion

Long term effects of concussions are rare, most symptoms resolve within a few weeks. However, if the brain doesn’t have enough time to heal between injuries than post-concussion syndrome can form. Only 20% of people might suffer from post-concussion syndrome, this is when symptoms continue after six weeks.

Symptoms such as:

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Irritability and other personality changes
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Depression and other psychological problems
  • Disorders of smell and taste

To reduce risk of short-term problems turning into long term ones, please see a doctor within 1-2 days of a head injury.

If diagnosed with a head injury take it slow. Get plenty of rest and refrain from pushing your body. Go for light walks or riding a stationary bike and for once we advise not to do any homework!


A Plant Based Diet May Help Prevent Coronary Artery Disease

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“Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death. This study proves it doesn’t have to be.” – Dr. Kahleova

Coronary artery disease is a caused by plague buildup in your coronary arteries. The coronary arteries are the blood vessels that bring oxygen to your heart. The plaque in the blood vessels stiffens them and makes it harder to get oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

This plaque is sticky and things like inflammatory cells, lipoproteins, and calcium attach to it. These materials, along with cholesterol, increase the build up and make the vessel narrower.

Eventually, this blood vessel may develop a new one around the blockage to get blood to your heart. Although this may sound good and dandy, under stress and over working, this new vessel might not get enough blood to the heart and this can cause a heart attack.

Doctors have noted that there can be a solution to this problem: a plant based diet.

They not only found that the vegetarian diet can prevent heart diseases but can also sometimes reverse them. This diet works because plants are rich in fiber and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are known for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Animal meat is often high in fat, cholesterol, heme iron, and environmental pollutant which can all cause problems with the heart.

This is a life style change that many doctors want to push, moving away form excessive meat consumption and going toward more plant-based diets.


Many think starting a plant-based diet is tricky but you can substitute meat with, tofu, tempeh, Seitan, Jackfruit, eggplant, lentils, beans, and so much more! With restaurants having more accommodations, eating out doesn’t have to be hard either!


Here is a quick recipe even the toughest meat eater will love!:


Skillet Ratatouille

Step 1

Drain 1 can tomatoes in a colander over a bowl, reserving 1/2 cup liquid. Drain remaining 1 can tomatoes; discard liquid. Combine tomatoes, reserved 1/2 cup liquid, and chickpeas in a bowl.

Step 2

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Add garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and next 5 ingredients (through eggplant); sauté 7 to 8 minutes or until slightly tender. Stir in tomato mixture and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt; cover, and cook 5 minutes.

Step 3

Uncover pan; stir in vinegar, paprika, and black pepper. Cook 5 minutes or until vegetable mixture is slightly thickened. Divide vegetable mixture among 4 shallow bowls; drizzle servings evenly with remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons oil. Sprinkle with basil leaves, if desired.

For ingredient list and a video guide:

For more recipes:


Read more about these topics!


Strokes: How to Save a Life

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Strokes are the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds. The rupture prevents blood and oxygen from reaching the brain. Knowing the symptoms of a stroke and reacting quickly can be a matter of life and death. The simplest way to remember what signs to look for is the acronym FAST: Face, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call 911. Although not everyone has the same symptoms and its important to recognize that. Men and women show completely different symptoms when having a stroke!

Symptoms of a Stoke in Men

Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in men

  • Drooping on one side of the face. The best way to check this is to ask them to smile.
  • Slurred Speech, difficulty speaking, and trouble understanding speech
  • Arm weakness or muscle weakness on one side of the body

Symptom of a Stroke in Women

Stoke is the 4th leading cause of death in women. Women have a higher lifetime risk of having a stroke than men.

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Hallucination
  • Pain
  • General weakness
  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
  • Fainting or losing conscious
  • Seizures
  • Confusion, disorientation or lack of responsiveness
  • Sudden behavior changes, increased agitation


What to do when someone is having a stroke

  • Call 911
  • Remember the time you first see symptoms
  • Perform CPR if there is no pulse or breathing
  • Don’t let the person go to sleep
  • Do NOT give them medication, food, or drinks
  • Don’t drive yourself of someone else to the emergency room




Sources and to read more:


Arthritis: What it is, Myths and Prevention

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Arthritis is a very common and painful disease that affects about 350 million people worldwide. It is the number one cause of disability in America! Here we will be debunking common myths and how to prevent this disease.

As many know, arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptom of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically gets worse with age. There are over 100 forms of arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, psoriatic and gout. They tend to share the same symptoms but are caused in different ways. Arthritis isn’t only in your hands, it can be in your hips, knees, back, and shoulders, the pain can be extreme and limit your everyday activities.

Here are some of many myths of arthritis:

  1. One common misconception is that only older people get arthritis but this is just not true. While the risk does increase with age, people of all ages are capable of getting it, this including children and young adult. In fact about 300,000 infants, children, and teens live with arthritis.
  2. Once diagnosed with arthritis, its game over right? In realty this isn’t true, yes there is no cure for it, BUT there are great medications for some types of arthritis. Also keeping a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, staying active, eating nutrient rich meals, and getting enough sleep, can help decrease the pain and developing rate.
  3. Arthritis can’t be caused by cold weather. Trust me, moving to a warm, dry climate will not cure arthritis. It’s bone rubbing on bone after cartilage has worn down and it causes pain in any climate. Warmth can be soothing so soak in a warm bath or take a hot shower.
  4. Lastly there are ways to prevent arthritis. Some of the risk factors for arthritis is your family history, age, your sex, previous joint injuries, and obesity. Not all risk are in your control but there are a few habits you can practice to reduce developing painful joints as you get older. Such as: eating fish with omega-3 fatty acids, controlling your weight, exercise, avoid injury, wear protective gear during exercise and sports, protect your joints in general (learn the right techniques when sitting, working, and lifting), and most importantly see your doctor if you start feeling pain in you joints!

Don’t brush off any joint pain no matter the age, make sure to get it checked out by your doctor. You can visit a chiropractor at any age to help with arthritis. Chiropractic practices are one of the safest therapies you can use for back and neck pain due to osteoarthritis.


Read more about Arthritis:

10 Simple Ways to Be Healthier

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In many cases our lives are very busy and trying to be healthy alway seems like a time consuming thing.

We’ve compiled the 10 most simplest and not time consuming things you can start doing in your life to be healthier. Having no time is no longer an excuse!

  1. Shop on a full stomach. Such a small idea but can really make a difference in what ends up in your shopping cart. Shopping on an empty stomach is a easy way to buy what ever sounds good on impulse. This leads to buying more unhealthy things an you would usually buy.
  2. Eat from a smaller plate or bowl. This one might sound silly but it truly makes a difference on the amount you eat. Eating with a smaller plate helps you feel satisfied with less food and is a easy way to keep yourself from eating way more than you need to!
  3. Take the stairs. The elevator is so nice, brings you to your floor with minimal effort, but taking the stairs once in a while is a good way to check off being healthy for the day. It’s also a great way to tone your leg muscles without a traditional workout!
  4. Buy a plant. Plants are a great way to add some character into your office or home and they purify the air around you. Snake plants are a great choice to start as they’re low maintenance and have a great simplistic look to them!
  5. Turn off your phone time to time. This may help stressed individuals achieve some relaxation, no more pestering emails and mindless social media for a little can really improve your mood. Take this extra time to get to know your new plant friend!
  6. Go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends. Having the same sleep schedule every day is a great way to create a sense of routine. If you wake up at different times during the week it can lead something called social jet lag, which can throw off your body’s natural sleep schedule. A great addition to that is turning off phones and electronics an hour before bed.
  7. Say hello to a old friend. When’s the last time you caught up with your old pall? Take some time to make those close relationships because Harvard psychologist found that they’re the key to living happier, healthier lives. Lack of social connections could be as big of a risk to your health as smoking!
  8. DRINK WATER! Water can help you stay energized and hydrated. Some fitness experts even claim you can lose weight if you drink water before ever meal!
  9. Practice mindful eating. The idea of mindful eating is to pay attention to what you’re eating, why you are eating, and how fast you’re eating. Take the time to eat slowly, chew thoroughly, focus on how you feel while eating and if you’re actually hungry, and turn off the TV. Many studies show that mindful eating can help you lose weight!
  10. Snack on healthy foods. Instead of candy try some fruit or a healthy granola bar. Keeping healthy snacks in reach is a great way to fight those food craves we all get. Some great healthy snacks can include nuts, fruit or even dark chocolate!

Don’t forget to add a little healthy in your day!


Links to sources and more simple ways to be healthy: